Excel report builder not working on new version

The Excel report builder's upload template button stops working on recent version of Creatio. I found out that there are additional validateFilters in the ESQ javascript library in 7.17.3.

The error message when trying to upload template:

message: Uncaught Error: One or more filters are not filled, please fill in all filters and try again.


I applied this fix and it works. Please update your source.

  define("IntExcelReportPage", ["IntReportConstants", "MaskHelper"],
	function (constants, MaskHelper, FileHelper) {
	 return {
		 methods: {
			 saveFile: function (file, callback) {
				 var data = {
					 entityName: "IntExcelReport",
					 fileFieldName: "IntFile",
					 file: file,
					 parameters: {},
					 id: this.get('Id')
				 this.Terrasoft.FileHelper.uploadFile(Terrasoft.QueryOperationType.UPDATE, data, callback, this);


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Hi Van Ly,


Thank you for reporting the issue and the way to fix it. The responsible team updated the source. The updated package is now available on Creatio Marketplace.

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