Editable list on section page - add event handler on the value of the control is changed

Hello Community,


I have custom section with editable list designed based on solution described on post 



Now i'm looking possibility to add event handler on the value of the control is changed.

Let's look example of BaseLookupConfigurationSection/Field sales rules Lookup (because this is a similar case and similar schema code) :

Example scenario is to calculate End date after change Start date but before save record.


I see that attributes dependiencies doesn't work on section schema.

Can i inherite method somehow ConfigurationGrid.onUpdateItem  or do it in different way ?



Marcin Kott



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Hi Marcin,

You can use attributes on the page. easiest would be to create a detail using section wizard. It will create a detail schema and page schema for you. On the page schema you can use attributes (as in normal page) and dependencies. And this logic will trigger whenever you will be changing anything in the grid.

Also note that business rules and rules will work this way as well if you need those.



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