Set different Detail Columns for different use case



I have users that want to see 2 columns in the details, and othe users that wants only 1 column in the detail.



col A:  Price With Tax

Col B:  Price Without Tax


Some of the users wants to see only one  column. some want to see both columns. 

how can i setup a settings for that and then show/hide columns in the detail list according to that setting.





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You can configure business rules based on the conditions you specify:

Set up business rules


Or you can configure column permissions:

Column permissions

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Thanks for your answer


regarding the business rules - i cannot use them on details columns.

i can do that on the page, but not within the table details.

(I am using the classic UI)


in the permission level - are you suggesting to deny the posibility to view (read) columns, and as a result they will not apear in the detail list ? 


Try to use Record permissions


Dmytro Tupalo,

Thanks for your answer.

permission will still show the columns in the detail. it will just block the user from edit it. 


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