I am developing a custom search block in 'Contact Section'.  In a Contact section, I have one child entity that contains 2-3 MRN number for one contact. So I want to add a custom search field with MRN number. If I search with any MRN number of contact then it should filter contacts. So, can you please provide me with any article or example so I can proceed.




Above is my screenshot for child entity and contact list. I want a filter for contact with above mentioned MRN number.


Please guide.

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Dear Riddhi,

Unfortunately, the screenshots you have attached are not displaying correctly. Though, please take a look at the following article. There is an example of quick filter implementation. As I have understood from your explanation, such filter can cover your business task:


If you will have any question, or this approach does not suit you, please let us know why and we will be happy to advise.



Anastasia Botezat,


Above article is providing me fixed filter over list section. But I want my custom dropdown with custom values to fill in it. I will bind those values from a dynamic database. I don't want a predefined filter to fix on search section.


I want to add my own filters to FilterContainer.

Riddhi Jadeja,

In this case you need to create a functionality from scratch to proceed the values you receive from third-party. 

Unfortunately, we do not have a ready code snippet, though, the approximate algorithm can be the following:

1. You add a dropdown to the section replacing schema. This can be just regular dropdown created by the means of JavaScript and added to the GripUtilitiesContainer for example. The other option is to take Owner filter from the article and pass values to the filter. In this case inspect the filter realization to create your own.

2. Receive values for the dropdown. This can be done when section initializes, so launch and API call, or web service call ( which one you use for integration) and store values to the virtual column e.g., or in any other comfortable way (new array, object e.t.c.) 

MyField: {
   dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.COLLECTION,
   type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN

3. On dropdown value picked pass a filter to the fixedFilterConfig.

Hope you will find it helpful!


Anastasia Botezat,

Thank you.

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